CRY62 AAA Suspension Air Bag Coil&#######xA0;Delete Kit with Auto Levelling and Air Tank for Nissan Patrol Y62. This is our stuff and we make it and we have it in stock. We send everything same or next day. This air bag kit comes with our auto levelling&#######xA0;kit and tank. This Aussie made kit replaces the rear coils in every Y62 Patrol model. That means you wont wear out the tyres. Here’s why it’s important to always run it at a set height – As the rear goes up and down the alignment of the wheels alters so much you can actually see that the rear wheels lean in (Camber) or point inwards or outwards (Tow In). It also impacts fuel economy. By maintaing your ride height you prevent changes to the alignment. We start with our coil delete kit – They have stood the test of time&#######xA0;being used&#######xA0;by several hundred Patrol enthusiasts and we dare say over millions of harsh Australian kilometers. A direct replacement of coil spring to our proprietary 3500 series AAA Air Bag which was designed specifically for the Y62. The top mounts are held in by replacement K Frame bolts and the bottom plates bolt to factory lower control arms and also On Track’s billet lower control arms if you have those. At factory height your lower control arms sit flat and the bags sit straight and vertical. If you have a 2″ lift your arms lean down so we also list a lower 2″ mount kit to compensate that lean and bring the bags back to straight and vertical. By running our AAA Coil Delete kit in conjunction with our Auto Levelling kit the rear of your vehicle will always be at the same height no matter how heavy or light the load. It doesnt matter if you take on passengers, fill that long range tank with fuel or hitch up to the van it will always be the same height. And all the time it is no stiffer than it needs to be for that height. You cant get that with heavy coils and inserts and what’s more when you unload those stiffer coils are still stiff. No buttons or adjustments, everything is automatic which is exactly how the engineers want it to be. Here’s how it works :&#######xA0. Our AAA Auto Ride Height Kit features pneumatic valves as used in the truck industry. A valve body is mounted to the chassis K frame using the hand brake cable bolt so no drilling required. There’s a swing arm that’s attached to your lower rear control arm. It senses the wheels in the up and down positions. When too low (loaded) the arm position lets air into the bags and they inflate. When too tall (unloaded) the arm lets air out of the bags. There’s a tolerance in the middle which allows minor up and down such as discrete road undulations and corrugations etc without inflating or deflating occuring. There is an adjustable link rod you can lengthen and shorten so you can set your ideal ride height on each side. Very simple and very effective. If the car becomes loaded and sags the system calls for air. Likewise if you hit a big dip while travelling the same logic applies and it momentarily calls for air. Without a tank that meant the compressor has to briefly run and it’s why we now run a tank with this kit. When the system calls for air it just takes a bit from the tank and then the compressor only has to come on to recharge the tank occasionally. And by only running a small tank the compressor only runs for a short period to charge the tank. Some people run really big tanks with their tyre inflation compressor and the reasin we dont like using those is that by the time you duck down the street on the schol run the compressor is still filling that big tank by the time you get back. The engineers love it because the bags and ride heights can’t be tampered with while driving. The compressor is on a relay triggered by the car’s ignition. If the ignition is on the system is live and with a pressure switch the compressor will turn on automatically when it senses that air is needed in the tank. Our kit comes with our CX02 Compressor and 1.2L air tank. The compressor mounts mounts behind the passenger side headlight again using existing bolt holes. Nothing has to be relocated and it just goes straight in. For wiring we provide a fuse tap (piggy back) that picks up a trigger for the relay from the fuse box and so there are no mods to wiring, no stripping wires and no soldering. We strongly recommend that compressors and tanks for air suspension have nothing to do with compressors and tanks for tyres &#####x2013; keep them separate. If you were to seek a GVM your engineer will insist upon this too. Here’s what you need to know about engineering – If you take the coils out and replace them with air bags an engineer ought to sign off on that same as he would for a child restraint or changing the number of seats. And for a GVM upgrade an Engineer is most certainly required. Engineers have differing opinions but one thing’s for certain, none of them want to see that you can adjust your heights while driving and they all want to see an automated system such as this that keeps your ride at the same level. Not only will engineers want to assess the process of ride height control but also the integrity of the bags and brackets and the ability of the compressor to keep up with demand. Engineering is a local task usually arranged by the person doing the instalation. At AAA when we fit this kit the enegineer we use is prepared to sign off at 3830Kg GVM upgrade using this kit in conjunction with braced factory lower control arms. And that is just the beginning – if you wish to persue heavier front coils (standard height or lifted) and that involves HBMC work then you can go to a higher GVM. And then you can look at changing more parts and also your wheels and tyres and go to even higher ratings. This kit has&#######xA0;formed the foundation for the heaviest of GVM upgrades so we know this kit is not a limiting factor – indeed a requirement. Steve at AAA says when he grew up on a farm the tractors back in those days were built so farmers could rebuild them. With that philosophy in mind Steve has made sure all the AAA gear is bolt in and can only go in one way using pre-existing holes making it as simple as possible. This means the average person with some mechanical aptitude could fit this kit so long as they follow instructions. Because the kit in this form does not require removing shocks there are no special tooling requirements and no mods to the car. All bolts in this kit are hi-tensile grade 8 for added strength. Please note our new brackets and Auto Ride Height system have undergone a patent design application to try to stop the copy cats out there. To finish off we are based in Melbourne and work closely with all the top Y62 gurus. AAA is very well regarded for their excellent product knowledge in suspension systems and passion for Nissans. We dont just do Y62 suspension and have over 75 other air bag applications. We have 2 off road race Patrols and we run Cliffhanger 4×4 Event and Ultimate 4×4 Challenge so you’d be hard pressed finding more passionate off roaders connected to the industry. 2″ Lift with the 2″ lower mounts (Note lean on arm)&#######xA0; vs&#######xA0; Factory height arms which are flat so no spacer. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. The team at AAA Suspension are suspension&#######xA0;specialists and have been looking after customers with air suspension needs since the 90’s. We are a&#######xA0;family owned business based in Melbourne and pride ourselves for excellent product knowledge, great service and a top Aussie made product. We make all of our brackets here in Melbourne and use local businesses to supply and laser cut our steel. Even&#######xA0;our local powder coater uses Australian powder. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. AAA Suspension is an Australian family owned business based on Victoria’s&#######xA0; Mornington Peninsula. We&#######xA0;use local suppliers, &#######xA0;do our own manufacturing and all employees are locals. &#######xA0;We make every attempt to look after the environment with recycled and biodegradable packaging. Steve has been working with air suspension since the 90’s so technically speaking this is his 4th decade in the game. He has been the 4WD brains trust for other air suspension companies and is exceptionally well connected throughout the automotive industry. Since 2005 Steve has owned and operated the Cliffhanger 4WD Event which has become one of Australia’s best regarded 4WD week long events and he himself has raced in 12 Outback Challenge events. He co-owned Navrun 4WD Events, has been treasurer for the QLD Assoc 4WD Clubs and president of 2 different 4WD Clubs. He’s worked in drought relief&#######xA0;and helped farmers clean up and rebuild fences after floods and fires. You will not find a better qualified person for understanding your suspension needs. We have a web site that has a bunch more pictures and videos demonstrating our manufacturing methods, &#######xA0;some “How To”&#######xA0; videos showing how to set up your bags, solve problems and what’s involved with fitting. Our kits all have a. &#######xA0;which covers replacement parts for manufacture faults, air leaks in bags or air fittings etc. Wear&#######xA0;and tear, rubbing on other suspension components and external factors like corrosion are not covered. So we avoid sending the wrong parts back we will run through a few simple tests for you to perform first. We send same or next day using Aus Post. &#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;PO Boxes are OK and we can send kits ahead of you to be picked up from a post office if you are travelling. When you check out and pay there is an option for Express Post if you need it fast. &#######xA0;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B;&#####x200B. We are based in Melbourne and all of our stock is here in Australia. So you will get your goods within a matter of days. &#######xA0;for support or reassurance knowing someone here in Australia is experienced and understands what you need. We start with our coil delete kit – They have stood the test of time being used by several hundred Patrol enthusiasts and we dare say over millions of harsh Australian kilometers. Here’s how it works : Our AAA Auto Ride Height Kit features pneumatic valves as used in the truck industry. We strongly recommend that compressors and tanks for air suspension have nothing to do with compressors and tanks for tyres – keep them separate. This kit has formed the foundation for the heaviest of GVM upgrades so we know this kit is not a limiting factor – indeed a requirement.